Tuesday, May 15, 2007

restart of presentation

This morning in periods one and two we had a guest speaker who talked about sex Education, it lasted for two entire periods. The truth is that I found it a bit boring. And my legs were a bit stiff after sitting on the same chair for one and a half hours.

In the last 2 periods of the day, Mr Cantwell told us about concentrating in particular on GM food. He told us how the proteins are made and even brought us a poster describing the gene and what it does.

After lunch we decided to (re)start our presentation on GM food. Andy logged in (with five dollars of recharged credit) and we did the presentation on his computer account. We have done about 40 seconds in total on the presentation. We got news yesterday that we had to do the presentations on Monday, now we have three days to finish off the presentation, I think the presentation needs to be about one and a half to minutes in length.

Today we changed the Gantt chart to have our presentations on Monday.

In the middle of the day we had electives so we did not have Xplore. Tomorrow we only have 4 periods in Xplore and on Friday we only have 3 periods in Xplore. So in total we only have 7 periods left to finish off our presentation. That may seem as a lot of time but we still need to add more length to our presentation and music as well as explanations. So we will have to work hard on completing the presentation over the next 2 days. Hopefully we will finsh it by then.


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